How to make a payout to a bank account with code:
To make a payout to a bank account with Dinar Dragon, there are two steps to complete. STEP 1 is to initialize your payout. In return, you will get an authentication code. STEP 2 is to use the authentication code to finalize the payment. Once you have done this, the funds will land in the specified bank account(s) within 15 minutes and the payout will be complete. Here is a detailed explanation of exactly what to do:
API URL for Step 1 | HTTP Method |
---|---| |
amount (float) | accounts (array of objects) |
The total amount in USD to pay out for the entire payment. So e.g. if you were making 5 payouts of $10 each, you would enter $50 for the amount parameter. |
An array of objects to describe all the payments you want to make to different bank accounts. Each object in the array represents one payment directly to a bank account. |
Each payment object in the accounts array should contain the following fields -
acc (integer) | amount (float) | bank (string) | country (string) | recipient (string) |
The account number to make the payment to | The amount in USD to pay to that one bank account | The name of the bank to make the payment to for that one payment | The country of the bank account you want to pay | The name of the person who is being paid |
"amount": 195, //amounts in "accounts" array must add up to the amount you pass here
"accounts": [
"acc": 123456789,
"amount": 50,
"bank": "somebank",
"country": "US",
"recipientname": "somename"
"acc": 987654321,
"amount": 70,
"bank": "someotherbank",
"country": "SA",
"recipientname": "someothername"
"acc": 111111111,
"amount": 75,
"bank": "yetanotherbank",
"country": "US",
"recipientname": "yetanothername"
//......and so on
You will also need to provide an Authorization value in the header of your HTTP request. You provide your private key here.
code (integer) | charge_in_usd (float) | authcode (string) |
HTTP Response Code, e.g. 200, 201 | Amount Dinar Dragon will charge your dashboard balance to make this payout | Authentication Code |
code (integer) | error (string) |
HTTP Response Code, e.g. 403, 400 | Error message that tells you why the request failed |
"code": 200, //OK
"charge_in_usd": 4.875, //amount in USD Dinar Dragon will charge your dashboard balance to make this payout
"authcode": "6afc61f8c5e7738819b7021dc0664cab", //unique authentication code
"code": 403, //Fail
"error": "Your request failed because your Dinar Dragon dashboard balance is insufficient to complete this payout.",
// Example JavaScript to call /get-authcode API endpoint
async function getAuthCode() {
const data = {
amount: 100,
accounts: [
{acc: 123456789, amount: 50, bank: 'somebank', country: 'US'},
{acc: 987654321, amount: 70, bank: 'someotherbank', country: 'SA'},
{acc: 111111111, amount: 75, bank: 'yetanotherbank', country: 'US'}
try {
const response = await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ${yourPrivateKey}'
body: JSON.stringify(data)
const result = await response.json();
if (result.code === 200) {
return result.authcode; // Return the authcode
} else {
console.error('Error:', result.error);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
const authcode = await getAuthCode(); //access the authcode in a variable
console.log('Auth code received:', authcode); // Display the authcode
General Functionality | Expected Input | Response |
/get-authcode - POST endpoint to retrieve an authentication code for making a payout request. You will pass payment data to obtain this code and if the payout you're trying to make is permitted, you will receive an authentication code. This initiates your payout. You will then use this authentication code to either execute the initiated payout in Step 2, or cancel it by not executing within 15 minutes. Once the payout is executed, it cannot be reversed. The code lasts for upto 15 minutes before expiring. |
- **accounts**: (array of objects). Lists accounts to be paid and details. - **amount**: Total amount to be paid out (number in USD) - **privatekey**: Your private key in 'Authorization' field of headers (string) |
- **code**: HTTP response code (number) - **authcode**: The unique authentication code (string) - **charge_in_usd**: Charge for this payout (float) - **error**: If there's an issue, an error message (string) |
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